Comments on: Skymee Owl Robot Review Gadget reviews and news Wed, 29 Jul 2020 21:33:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alex So Wed, 29 Jul 2020 21:33:03 +0000 In reply to Josie.

Hi Josie,
Didn’t get paid to write the review, but I didn’t pay for the Owl Robot, Skymee sent it to me to review.
I have used it a lot and still using it!
Used it more like a mobile cam spying on my cats while I was abroad, while my 2 cats were home alone. It works great, very fast as well and the battery holds great!
I didn’t use Varram so I can’t recommend it.

By: Josie Wed, 29 Jul 2020 21:25:08 +0000 In reply to Réjane.

I’m looking at this or the varram. I already have a live cam and the varram doesn’t have a cam in it. I’m more concerned on which one actually works. Lol. Not to be rude but did you get paid to review the skymee robot?



By: Alex So Wed, 08 Apr 2020 23:26:54 +0000 In reply to Réjane.

Hi Réjane,
Im glad you like it, and Owl robot can record sound on videos as well, take a look at my video.

By: Réjane Tue, 07 Apr 2020 04:13:57 +0000 I too have an Owl Robot and my Abyssinian loved it! It was our first Skymee camera after giving up on Furbo after a couple years and disappointing customer support. Though we are home now we still use it daily for a ride around the house. What I really like about the owl, apart from its mobility is the way it feeds treats for cats. My Abyssinian never like to be «  thrown » treats. It scared him. But to see his buddy robot friend drop some treats, that’s his «  cup of tea ». Another avantage of Skymee over Furbo is that we can have multiple Skymee cameras on the same wifi network. After buying the Owl robot, we got two more Skymee cameras: two new Petalk AI II (these are panning cameras). I don’t use the « feeding » feature of the cameras (pitching) but I love the panning. Panning gives us access to a very large view of the area; it is easily controlled from the app. The top of the cameras also serves as a charger for Qi enabled devices.
The one thing Furbo has that Skymee doesn’t is the ability to take video clips that include sound. Until w we can record stills and videos but the videos are silent. Nevertheless, I would never go back to Furbo, not after all the trouble I had after 2 years and the really very inefficient support I received, having to repeat, reexplain, and answer the same questions over and over again, my case going from one person to another without being resolved. it use to be different. I gave up.
